Get your 5-Star Listing in our Insurance Agent Directory

Simply follow the steps below to get your 5-Star agency listing.

Step One: Agent/Agency Contact Information

Step Two: Short Agent/Agency Description

This Description is shown in the "Featured California Agents" listings. Text is limited to 65 characters. Do not add the agent/agency name OR the city name, as those are added automatically in the listing.

(Maximum characters: 65)
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Step Three: Long Agent/Agency Description

This Description is shown below your agent/agency listing in the city search directory, the zip code search directory, the map location page and the extended featured agents page. There is no limit to length, but we recommend keeping it under 300 characters.

The blue circled area is where the long description will appear. Be creative and sell site visitors on why they should select your agency over your competitors! This is where you can also list your California license number if desired.

Step Four: List your Companies

List the primary companies you represent. Keep the list condensed somewhat as to not overwhelm the visitor.

Step Five: Upload a Photo

Upload a current photo of the agent to be featured. Image size is limited to a maximum of 200Kb and accepted file formats are .jpg, .gif, .tif and .png. Images are resized to 50 pixels wide by 72 pixels high before going live on our site.

If you have a photo but don't know how to resize it or get it into the correct format, simply tell us in the comments box and we will contact you to get your photo and perform the necessary manipulations.

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Type the characters you see in the picture below. This is strictly to prevent spam submissions.

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Our 5-Star listings are edited by hand, so don't worry it you don't know exactly what to put where. If you have questions, simply put them in the comments box and we will contact you after receiving your submission.